Monday, May 18, 2020

The Debate On Animal Testing And Abortion - 2197 Words

There are two main perspectives for almost every topic that is arguable. Those perspectives are for the topic and against it. Whatever side a person chooses, they need good pieces of evidence and a good argument to back their opinion up, in order to effectively achieve the purpose of trying to get their audience on their side of the argument. There are many controversial topics that constantly have people arguing back and forth, debating on which person is right and on which person has better reasons that make their opinion right. Having the strength of good arguing skills helps a writer to express what they are feeling and helps them to connect more with their audience. The writer effectively does this by using rhetoric to persuade their audience to their side. The use of rhetoric helps the writer’s audience to view the topic in a new way. Two controversial topics that are big in society today are animal testing and abortion. These topics produce very strong opinions on both sides of the arguments. One example of this is one’s opinion on the testing and researching of drugs on animals. Testing of drugs on animals is used to try and give scientists and doctors a better understanding of how those drugs might work on humans. The results that they get from these experiments are said to help with the evolution of the medicine that is given to humans because of being able to more accurately create a drug that will not harm humans as much as it would if the drugs were not firstShow MoreRelatedPossibilities Of Consciousness And Human Consciousness1452 Words   |  6 Pageskeeps enhancing with it. Human consciousness is a well-known concept in the society that is constantly growing and changing the legal fields including abortion. Abortion is an immensely thorny debate in this society that can be taken out of concept and twisted in a way to appeal to your ethical and religious views. 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